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Linus Bergman

Linus, a Swedish-born, Norway-based artist is inspired by the beautiful land and sea as seen on his work. He travels in search for timeless atmospheres and already received awards from several competitions.

IG: @linusmountainman

Nicole Mason

A Portland-based photographer, Nicole’s photographic work covers a range of categories but maintains a consistent aesthetic with a natural color palette.

IG: @neekmason

Sara Byrne

Sara, also a Portland-based photographer, loves to be outside with a big epic scenery as her inspiration. Her work focuses on wedding ang engagement which she loves doing.

IG: @sarakbyrne

Ollie Ritchie

A DP & director based in Sydney who specializes in social media content and short-form film production. Some of Ollie’s work have found their way to small film festivals.

IG: @ollieritchie